Okay, I'm done. I'm over the fascination with cold weather and "seasons". I want my California weather back, please.
I am so stinkin' cold it ain't even funny. It hasn't gotten above about 40 degrees in weeks. Weeks, people! How do people in the north do it??? How do they take the cold??
I am so not made for this. My feet are freezing. My hands are freezing. My whole body's cold. And I'm inside, people! Inside!! Where the temperature is a balmy 68 degrees. While outside its freaking 31 29 degrees and dropping. But, oooo, we're supposed to get a "great warm up" tomorrow, say the weather people. All the way up to 40 degrees. Woohoo.
Look, I don't mean to sound like a whiner, but, well, I guess I got completely, perhaps even too acclimated when I lived in India. Because ever since, anything under 75 degrees is not comfortable to me. And anything under 68 is just plain cold. Anything below 55 is inhumane and unlivable.
Yeah, so India was six years ago... so what's your point? I can't help it if I never re-adjusted to American weather. And I did live in the Med for a year. That didn't help the weather re-adjustment, either.
Speaking of the Med,
I want to be here, in this picture (perhaps even with this man...hmmm, yum!)!! Right here on this beach. I can't believe that I actually long for a Cyprus beach, but I guess that's what desperation does to me. Makes me long for places that I have very little happy memories of. Just so I can get out of the stinkin' cold and finally feel warm.
Here's another spot I'd love to be. Hawaii. Oh, please,
God, send me to Hawaii!! I can't take the cold of Middle Tennessee anymore. I want to live on a warm sunny beach and play in the sand. All year long. I want 80 degree temperatures and the smell of summer rain. I want thunderstorms and warm breezes. I want summer, people! Summer!
But instead, I get to go out to the movies tonight in 20-something weather and cold, cold wind. I have to put on so many layers and wrap up so much just to be comfortable that I feel like Ralphie's little brother in A Christmas Story: "I can't put my arms down!"
I am so ready for summer.
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