Whatever you may think about the candidates in this year's election; whatever you may think of the politics of the parties involved, you cannot deny this is an historic night!
The country once divided over slavery of another race has now elected as president a man from that same once-enslaved race. A country who lost a great president because of his determination to not only end slavery but keep the United States united has now elected as president a man for whom that great president so long ago died fighting to restore freedom and liberty.
Lincoln would be proud of that.
I have so often been troubled by the divisiveness that can arise between people simply because of one's skin color. I spent most of my early childhood completely colorblind. I had no idea that my best friend in kindergarten was "black" and I was not. I just knew I loved hanging out with her. Nor did I realize that one of my closest friends in jr high was Latina and I was not.... No idea. Yeah, I can be a little...blind at times. :) Until my sister received a big beat down by some girls from who school who did not like the color of our skin; who felt we owed them.... something... because we are white -- did it ever dawn on me that color matters to some people.
I hate that. I hate that there are those in this world who look down on others with a different color of skin, different ethnicity, different... whatever. I hate it.
I always thought that the goal of uniting in diversity was to not notice another's skin color; to be colorblind. But this last year I've come to realize that it's not about not noticing our skin color/ethnicity, it's about celebrating the differences that strengthen us as a whole.
Nicole C. Mullins said at the Women of Faith conference in September, "it's okay to notice someone's color. Just don't stop there." It was good to hear that from a woman "of color." Sometimes we need those who are different from us to acknowledge those differences and give us permission to do the same before we can relax and see beyond them.
I disagree with our new President-elect on nearly every issue and ideal he articulated during this past election season. I'm a die-hard libertarian/Austrian School of economics gal, so a Progressive agenda just doesn't sit right with me. Individual liberty trumps collectivism almost every time in my book.
So in that respect I struggled tonight; I struggled to be happy or excited for our country. Rather, I worry for her.
Yet, at the same time, I am deeply proud of my country. Deeply proud. What happened today is historic, and that deserves to be celebrated.
no warrior wins by brute strength.
Horsepower is not the answer;
no one gets by on muscle alone.
Watch this: God's eye is on those who respect him,
the ones who are looking for his love.
He's ready to come to their rescue in bad times;
in lean times he keeps body and soul together.
I'm depending on God;
he's everything I need.
What's more, my heart brims with joy (!!)
since I've taken for my own his holy name.
Love us, God, with all you've got—
that's what we're depending on. -- Psalm 33:16-22 (The Message)
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