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June 27, 2008


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Yikes, I'm sorry you're being stalked, Lu! Thanks so much for your last post. Panic attacks are the pits. Turning away from coping strategies that work but are not God's best for you is very brave and difficult. God bless you and you seek him, my friend!


I'd send you an e-mail, but I can't find your address in your profile at all. If you do pw protect your blog, I'd like to have it. You are one of my regular reads in my rss reader.


Matt, Wow, thanks for that compliment! I'm honored.I will definitely give you a heads up on that if it happens.... right now I'm leaning towards not password protecting. But I'm waiting a few days to be sure.

And yeah, I don't have an email link on here at the moment. I just recently set up a specific email addy for this blog, so I may put it on here soon; it will at the very least be on the index blog if I password protect this one... But now that I have your email, it will be easy to notify you.

Marti -- Thank you, friend! You are AWESOME. :)


If you go to a password system - please let me know!!

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