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September 01, 2006


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joe kennedy

i'm smiling. i'm smiling huge. a quote from my disclaimer:

"Think of this blog as the living room of my home on the web. Don’t say anything you wouldn’t say to my face if you were in my real living room, and I promise I’ll treat you just as I would any guest in my own home. It’s that easy."


And I'm smiling too because the whole blog/post/comment thing really needed to be clarified. So glad you did it. Whew! Maybe now people will stop irritating me. ;-)

Wendy Cook

Girl! So glad u r doing this too.. :) funny... I love myspace... but not for the bloggin... but for the friendships ... and the ability to see people on-line and be in a big party room with them.

You'll notice I don't blog much on myspace...

S. Pihlaja

Well freaking said.


LOL. Only you, Lu, could get so wordy about something so simple. ;-)

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